Our Affiliation Banners
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*Advertising Guidelines*
1) There is a monthly charge of 10 Way points.
2) Your website must have a minimum of 25 active members.
3) Your website must not contain any pornography or disturbing profanity.
4) If you fail to keep 10 points in your inventory, then your ad will be removed.
5) Your website needs to remain active. If your site fails to be active for at least 6 months, your site administrator will be contacted. If no contact is made, then your ad spot will be terminated and your site ad will be removed.
6) You must submit a banner measuring 125 x 40(width x height) with your site's name on it.
7) You must place one of our ads of your choosing on your site where all members can see it.

*Application Request Format*
Copy and Paste this into a PM HERE
This will be the result.
First Name:
Username on Your Forum:
Site URL:
How many users do you have? :
How many members do you average weekly?
Price Plan 10 points - 120 points:
Affiliate Image URL (125x40):